GARBAGE TRUCK CLEANER, Heavy Duty Vehicle Detergent
Garbage Truck Cleaner made specifically for cleaning greasy dirty trucks, dumpsters, trash bins and equipment along with aiding in controlling odor. This product works through the toughest grime around. Brush on or spray application using pressure washing equipment at a dilution of 10 to 1 up to 40 to 1. A stronger solution than 10 to 1 may be harmful to paint. Test in small area first.
May be used hot (if kept under 120 degrees fahrenheit) or cold. If used in a true steam cleaner, high heat will "cook out" water soluble solvent. Use precaution when handling concentrate. Wear goggles/face shield and avoid all contact with skin and eyes.
Pails and gallons are available through our online store. Contact us for a price quote on 55-gallon drums.